Landlords Can Play Dirty.
Wooma Makes Sure You Don’t Get Ripped Off.
62% of renters lose part of their deposit. The average person loses £250.
Wooma gives you rock-solid proof—so you don’t lose a penny you shouldn't.
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Renting your place?
Wooma's got your back
🏠 Landlords Make Up Charges. Wooma stops them.
📸 Photos in Your Camera Roll Won’t Save You. Wooma creates a dispute-proof report.
⏳ 10 Minutes = £250 Saved. Lock in your deposit protection now.
🔒 No Arguments. No Stress. Just proof in hand when you move out.

Wooma locks in rock-solid proof—
so you don’t lose a penny you shouldn’t.
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How it works
1️⃣ Take Photos & Log Issues. Wooma Does the Rest.
2️⃣ Auto-Generate a Dispute-Proof Report. No formatting, no hassle.
3️⃣ Your Money Stays Yours. No unfair deductions, just proof when you need it.

Why we've built Wooma - The story

How Fraser’s uni nightmare is becoming a fix for renters everywhere
Long story short:
🏠 First rental, first shock – At uni, I got stung by an unfair deposit deduction. Dodgy landlord, no proof. Money gone.💬 Same story, different mates – Turns out, I wasn’t alone. Friends, family—everyone had a nightmare landlord story.💡 Fixing it with tech – I knew an app could solve this. Built my skills, worked in tech, and made Wooma—a simple way to protect your deposit with rock-solid proof.⚡ No stress, no rip-offs – Now, renters can fight back. Quick photos, instant report, no arguments. Your deposit, your money.💪 Join the movement – Landlords have had the power for too long. With Wooma, you’re covered.
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Like a lot of students, I was broke at uni. Rent was my biggest expense, and I needed my deposit back when I moved out.But when the time came, my landlord hit me with unfair deductions for things that weren’t even my fault.A mark on the wall? “That’ll be £50.” A carpet stain that was already there? “That’s £100.” It didn’t matter what I said—I had no proof. I lost money I couldn’t afford to lose.Then I started hearing the same story from mates, family—pretty much every renter I knew. Landlords holding onto deposits, dodgy deductions, fights that couldn’t be won.And the best advice out there? "Take some photos when you move in." But random photos buried in a camera roll weren’t enough to win a dispute.Fast forward a few years—I got into tech, working on products designed to make life easier for people.And I couldn’t shake the thought: why isn’t there a simple way to protect renters from getting ripped off?So I started building Wooma.It’s the tool I wish I had at uni. A simple, professional report that locks in proof of your place’s condition at move-in—so when you move out, you don’t lose a penny that you shouldn’t.No arguments, no stress, no digging through old photos hoping they’ll save you.Because getting your deposit back shouldn’t be a gamble.
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